Whiting American is a line of feathers that is specifically breed for long wide feathers. These rooster capes come in a huge variety of colors both vibrant and earthy. The feathers on the Whiting American Rooster Capes have long lengths, wider bases than dry fly hackles and webby bases. The hackles are ideal for tying flies with lots of big feathers such as bass bugs, decievers, tarpon flies, pike flies, saltwater bait fish, and tradition featherwing streamers. Capes offer the most selection in size with the top feathers being wonderfully sized for small streamers and the bottom feathers reaching in excess of 5 inches, large enough for the biggest toothy critter attractors.
Capes are available in many colors including natural patterns, dyed over grizzly, dyed over bader, dyed of black laced white, dyed over dun and dyed over white. A full partial listing of colors can be found at whitingfarms.com Not all the hackle variations are listed, but searching the online shops often turns up some interesting feathers.